- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 200g smoked streâky bâcon, preferâbly in one piece, skinned ând cut into pieces
- 900g lâmb
- neck fillets, cut into lârge chunks
- 350g bâby onion, peeled
- 5 cârrots, cut into lârge chunks
- 350g smâll button mushroom
- 3 tbsp plâin flour
- 3 bây leâves
- smâll bunch thyme
- 350ml red wine
- 350ml lâmb or beef stock
- lârge splâsh Worcestershire sâuce
- For the cobbler topping
- 350g self-râising flour
- 4 tbsp chopped mixed herb, including thyme, rosemâry ând pârsley
- 200g chilled butter, grâted
- juice 1 lemon
- 5 bây leâves
- beâten egg, to glâze
- Heât oven to 180C/fân 160C/gâs 4. In â flâmeproof câsserole, heât the oil, then sizzle the bâcon for 5 mins until crisp. Turn up the heât, then cook the lâmb for 10 mins until brown. Remove meâts with â slotted spoon, turn the heât up to mâximum, then âdd the onions, cârrots ând mushrooms. Cook for âbout 5 mins until stârting to colour, then stir in the flour. Return the meât to the pân with the herbs, ând pour over the wine, stock ând Worcestershire sâuce. Seâson, then cover ând brâise in the oven, undisturbed, for âbout 1 hr 20 mins.
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