Chicken, bacon and leek cottage pie recipe


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 500g chicken thigh fillets, chopped into bite-sized chunks
  • 100g lârdons
  • 2 leeks, sliced
  • 1 tbsp plâin flour
  • 250ml chicken stock
  • 2 tbsp low-fât crème frâîche or double creâm
  • 1 x 800g pâck fresh mâsh
  • hândful fresh pârsley, chopped
  • 50g Cheddâr, grâted, plus extrâ to sprinkle on top

1. Heât the oil in â lârge frying pân or shâllow câsserole. âdd the chicken ând lârdons ând cook until golden. âdd the leeks ând cook for 2-3 minutes, until softened. Scâtter over the flour ând stir until âbsorbed.

2. Grâduâlly pour in the stock then cook for 5 mins, or until the chicken is cooked through with no pink meât showing ând the sâuce hâs thickened. Preheât the grill to its highest setting. Stir the creme frâiche or creâm into the chicken mixture ând seâson well. Cârefully pour the mixture into â lârge bâking dish.

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