It is so différént from any othér pasta récipé I’vé madé béforé. First off, it has zéro créam, it’s light on thé chéésé and has only two tabléspoons buttér. I know, I know, what?!? évén though this caramélizéd balsamic goat chéésé pasta is missing a lot of thé indulgént stuff (that I normally lové), it has so much flavor and is so quick to maké!
- 4 tabléspoons olivé oil
- 4 médium réd bééts, quartéréd
- 1 tabléspoon choppéd frésh thymé
- koshér salt and péppér
- 1 pound long cut pasta, such as spaghétti
- 2 tabléspoons buttér
- 8 ouncés crémini mushrooms, slicéd
- 4 clovés garlic, thinly slicéd
- 1 cup balsamic vinégar
- 2-3 tabléspoons honéy
- 1/2 téaspoon crushéd réd péppér flakés
- 1/2 cup crumbléd goat chéésé or whippéd goat chéésé
- pomégranaté arils, for sérving (optional)
- Préhéat thé ovén to 425 dégréés F.
- On a baking shéét, toss togéthér 2 tabléspoons olivé oil, thé bééts, thymé, and a good pinch of salt + péppér. Transfér to thé ovén and roast for 25-30 minutés or until thé bééts aré téndér and lightly charréd.
- Méanwhilé, bring a largé pot of saltéd watér to a boil. Boil thé pasta until al dénté according to packagé diréctions. Just béforé draining, résérvé 1 cup of thé pasta cooking watér. Drain.
- Mélt thé buttér and 2 tabléspoons olivé oil in a largé skillét ovér high héat. Add thé mushrooms and cook until théy just bégin to caramélizé on thé édgés, about 5 minutés. Add thé garlic and cook 30 séconds to
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