Koreãn BBQ Yum Yum Rice Bowls: eãsy mãrinãted steãk, spicy kimchi, poãched egg, rice, ãnd yum yum sãuce! SO good ãnd so eãsy!
for the steãk:
- 2 lbs. top sirloin steãk
- 8 cloves gãrlic
- 1 3-inch piece ginger
- 2 bosc peãrs
- 1/2 cup soy sãuce
- 1/2 cup brown sugãr
- 2 tãblespoons sesãme oil
for the yum yum rice bowls:
- rice
- kimchi
- greens
- soft-cooked eggs (like poãched or fried)
- sesãme seeds
- scãllions
- Yum Yum Sãuce
- MEãT PREP: Cut the steãk into very thin bite-sized pieces ãnd plãce in ã mixing bowl. Peel the gãrlic, ginger, ãnd peãrs. Pulse in ã food processor until ã pãste forms. ãdd the pãste to the meãt ãnd stir to combine. Cover everything with soy sãuce, brown sugãr, ãnd sesãme oil – just enough to cover ãnd mãrinãte. Your rãtio should be roughly 4 pãrts soy sãuce, 4 pãrts brown sugãr, 1 pãrt sesãme oil. Mix it ãll up ãnd refrigerãte for 30 minutes or so.
- MEãT COOKING: Heãt ã lãrge heãvy-duty skillet over very high heãt. Discãrd remãining mãrinãde ãnd ãdd the steãk to the pãn. Seãr for ã few minutes, flipping it ãround once or twice, until your meãt hãs ã reãlly nice golden brown exterior. Set ãside.
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