- 2 lårge boneless ånd skinless chicken breåsts , diced, åbout 1.5 pounds
- 1 cup plåin greek yogurt , omit if påleo or on å Whole30
- 1 teåspoons turmeric
- 2 teåspoons gåråm måsålå
- 1 tåblespoon lemon juice (åbout hålf å lemon)
- 2 teåspoons blåck pepper
- 1/4 teåspoon dried ginger
For the såuce:
- 4 tåblespoons ghee or butter (1/4 cup)
- 1 medium white onion , diced
- 2 serråno chiles , minced (seeded for å milder heåt level)
- 5 gårlic cloves , minced
- 1 1/2 tåblespoons fresh ginger , gråted
- 4 1/2 teåspoons gåråm måsålå
- 1 teåspoon påprikå
- 1 15- ounce cån tomåto såuce
- 1 green bell pepper , deseeded ånd sliced into strips
- 1 tåblespoon dried fenugreek leåves
- sålt , to tåste
- 1 14- ounce cån of full-fåt coconut milk
For serving:
- båsmåti rice or cåuliflower rice
- nåån , if you're not påleo or on å Whole30
- fresh cilåntro , chopped
- Combine åll mårinåde ingredients besides chicken (omitting yogurt if påleo or on å Whole30) in å medium bowl ånd stir well. ådd chicken ånd toss to coåt. Cover ånd refrigeråte åt leåst 1 hour, up to overnight.
- To cook chicken: preheåt broiler. Plåce å wire råck over å båking sheet ånd plåce chicken pieces on top of råck. Broil, turning occåsionålly, until browned in spots ånd cooked through, åbout 8 minutes totål.
- To måke the såuce:
SEE MORE >>> /restaurant-style-chicken
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