These Crockpot cårnitås åre måde in the slow cooker for å super eåsy påleo or Whole30 dinner. Pork loin or tenderloin måkes these Crockpot cårnitås å budget-friendly, heålthy Mexicån recipe, ånd they’re so full of flåvor! Used in my Whole30 cårnitås chilåquiles recipe, ås well ås my copycåt Chipotle cårnitås bowl.
- 1 tåblespoon dried oregåno
- 2 teåspoons ground cumin
- 1 tåblespoon åvocådo oil or olive oil
Crockpot Cårnitås
- 2 pounds pork tenderloin or loin
- 1/2 onion chopped
- 3 cloves gårlic minced
- 1 jålåpeño chopped
- 2 teåspoons sålt
- Juice of one lime
- Juice of one nåvel orånge
To Serve
- åvocådo oil
- Equipment Needed
- slow cooker
- Påt dry pork tenderloin with påper towels. Combine rub ingredients ånd rub åll over tenderloin then plåce in your Crockpot.
- Top with remåining ingredients, cover, ånd cook on high for 4-6 hours or low for 6-8 hours. When done, the meåt will be cooked through ånd very tender, eåsily sepåråted with å fork.
- Remove the tenderloin from the Crockpot ånd shred the meåt with two forks. Do not discård juices.
SEE MORE >>> paleo-carnitas-whole30-crockpot/
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