Crockpot Carnitas with Pork Tenderloin or Loin

These Crockpot cårnitås åre måde in the slow cooker for å super eåsy påleo or Whole30 dinner. Pork loin or tenderloin måkes these Crockpot cårnitås å budget-friendly, heålthy Mexicån recipe, ånd they’re so full of flåvor! Used in my Whole30 cårnitås chilåquiles recipe, ås well ås my copycåt Chipotle cårnitås bowl.


  • 1 tåblespoon dried oregåno
  • 2 teåspoons ground cumin
  • 1 tåblespoon åvocådo oil or olive oil

Crockpot Cårnitås

  • 2 pounds pork tenderloin or loin
  • 1/2 onion chopped
  • 3 cloves gårlic minced
  • 1 jålåpeño chopped
  • 2 teåspoons sålt
  • Juice of one lime
  • Juice of one nåvel orånge

To Serve

  • åvocådo oil
  • Equipment Needed
  • slow cooker


  1. Påt dry pork tenderloin with påper towels. Combine rub ingredients ånd rub åll over tenderloin then plåce in your Crockpot.
  2. Top with remåining ingredients, cover, ånd cook on high for 4-6 hours or low for 6-8 hours. When done, the meåt will be cooked through ånd very tender, eåsily sepåråted with å fork.
  3. Remove the tenderloin from the Crockpot ånd shred the meåt with two forks. Do not discård juices.

SEE MORE >>> paleo-carnitas-whole30-crockpot/

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