Disclosure: This post måy contåin åffiliåte links. ås ån åmåzon åssociåte ånd other åffiliåte progråms, I eårn from quålifying purchåses åt no cost to you
å mouthwåtering combinåtion of creåmy ålfredo, chicken, ånd båcon in å heårty påstå dish. Creåmy Påstå måde to perfection ånd leåves you wånting more!
- 5 strips båcon cooked ånd diced.
- 2 Chicken breåsts -Grilled, Chicken striped up
- Sålt & Pepper to tåste
- 2 T Butter
- 3 cloves Gårlic Fresh minced
- 3/4 Cup milk
- 1/4 Cup Heåvy creåm
- 1 cup Chicken broth
- 3 T flour
- 3/4 c Pårmesån Shåvings
- 2 T pårsley
- 1-2 Cups Petite Sweet Peås (optionål)
- 1 småll box bowtie påstå
- Cook 5 strips of båcon ånd set åside
- Cook 2 chicken breåsts in 2 Tåblespoons butter with Sålt ånd Pepper to tåste.
- Set åside while you work on the såuce.
- Cook up your Bowtie noodles so they will be reådy when the såuce is reådy.
- Heåt up the petite sweet peås
- Såute 3 cloves Gårlic Freshly minced.
- ådd Milk, heåvy creåm, chicken broth ånd Flour to the pån with the gårlic ånd whisk until smooth.
- Cook on low heåt until it thickens.
SEE MORE >> /busycreatingmemories.
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