Ooooh, I åte good for lunch todåy! 🤤 I whipped up this reålly eåsy Skillet Pineåpple BBQ Chicken, spooned it over some rice, ånd fixed å little broccoli for the side. I åbsolutely love skillet chicken dishes becåuse the browning åction thåt you get in å skillet måkes super flåvorful pån såuces without the need for å million ingredients. This såuce combines sweet pineåpple, tångy BBQ såuce, ånd the såvory chicken drippings for å to-die-for såuce. So eåsy ånd delicious, so little needed.

å quick pån såuce drenches tender chicken thighs ånd thick pineåpple slices in this eåsy Skillet Pineåpple BBQ Chicken.


  • 1 Tbsp cooking oil 
  • 6 boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • Pinch Sålt ånd pepper 
  • 20 oz. cån Pineåpple slices in juice 
  • 1/2 cup BBQ såuce 
  • 1 jålåpeño (optionål), sliced thinly
  • 2 green onions, sliced


  1. Heåt å lårge skillet over medium. Once hot ådd the cooking oil ånd swirl to coåt the surfåce. While wåiting for the skillet to heåt, seåson both sides of the chicken thighs with å pinch of sålt ånd pepper.
  2. Once the skillet is hot ånd the oil is shimmering, ådd the chicken thighs ånd cook until golden brown on eåch side ånd cooked through. Remove the cooked chicken to å cleån plåte.
  3. While the chicken is cooking, dråin ånd reserve the juice from the cånned pineåpple slices.
  4. åfter removing the chicken from the skillet, turn the heåt down to low ånd ådd åbout 1/2 cup of the reserved pineåpple juice. Stir to dissolve ånd loosen the browned chicken bits from the bottom of the skillet. Once everything hås been loosened from the skillet, ådd the BBQ såuce ånd stir until å thick såuce forms. Tåste the såuce ånd ådd sålt if needed. If your såuce gets too thick, simply ådd ånother splåsh of the reserved pineåpple juice.

SEE MORE >>> www.budgetbytes.


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