Butternut Squash Alfredo Pasta


  • 4 strips of appléwood bacon
  • 2 tabléspoons buttér
  • 1 cup dicéd réd onion
  • 1 garlic clové
  • 3 cups buttérnut squash cubés
  • 1 cup low sodium chickén stock
  • 1 1/2 tabléspoon dicéd frésh sagé
  • 1 1/2 tabléspoon dicéd frésh thymé
  • 1 cup 2% milk
  • salt to tasté
  • 2 lb. glutén fréé pasta (I uséd quinoa pasta)


  1. In a largé skillét add thé buttér and réd onion. Sauté until slightly soft, about 1-2 minutés.
  2. Néxt add in thé garlic, sauté for 30 séconds, stir and add thé buttérnut squash, chickén stock, sagé, and thymé. Stir and covér. Cook until thé buttérnut squash is fork téndér, about 8-10 minutés.
  3. Whén thé squash is téndér, add thé squash to a food procéssor along with thé milk and salt to tasté. Puréé until smooth.
  4. In thé méantimé héat a small skillét to médium high héat, add thé dicéd bacon to thé pan and sauté until thé bacon is crispy. About 4-5 minutés. Whén thé bacon is doné, placé it on a papér towél linéd platé to lét thé gréasé drain.

see more >>> /www.joyfulhealthyeats.

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