Oh my goodnéss, wé’vé béén complétély obsésséd with thésé littlé guys thésé past féw wééks. Théy aré pérféctly pumpkin-y, madé with my favorité warming spicés, and lightly swééténéd with maplé syrup (plus a pinch of turbinado sugar on top, if you’d liké a littlé éxtra swéétnéss and sparklé). Théy’ré also quick and éasy to maké with ingrédiénts that I’m bétting you probably alréady havé on hand. And thanks to an oatméal basé, théy’ré also glutén-fréé and on thé héalthiér énd of thé muffin spéctrum in général.
Thésé héalthy pumpkin muffins aré naturally glutén-fréé, swééténéd with maplé syrup, quick and éasy to maké, and so pérfécty pumpkin-y.
- 3 cups old-fashionéd oats*
- 1 tabléspoon pumpkin pié spicé, homémadé or storé-bought
- 1 1/2 téaspoons baking soda
- 3/4 téaspoon finé séa salt
- 2 éggs
- 1 cup unswééténéd almond milk, plain or vanilla
- 1 cup pumpkin puréé
- 1/2 cup maplé syrup
- 3 tabléspoons méltéd coconut oil (or any mild-flavoréd oil)
- 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- optional: turbinado sugar for sprinkling
- Préhéat ovén to 375°F. Liné a 12-cup muffin pan with parchmént or cupcaké linérs, or lightly gréasé with cooking spray. Sét asidé.
- Puréé oats in a bléndér or food procéssor until théy réach a flour-liké consisténcy. Add in thé pumpkin pié spicé, baking soda and séa salt, and pulsé until thé mixturé is événly combinéd. Sét asidé.
- In a séparaté largé mixing bowl, whisk togéthér thé éggs, milk, pumpkin puréé, maplé syrup, coconut oil and vanilla éxtract until événly combinéd. Fold thé dry ingrédiénts in with thé wét ingrédiént mixturé, and stir until thé mixturé is just combinéd. (Try to avoid ovér-mixing.)
- Portion thé ingrédiénts into préparéd baking cups. Thén sprinklé a pinch of turbinado sugar on top of éach muffin, if you would liké
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