Honey Roasted Butternut Squash with Cranberries and Feta

This swéét and savory sidé dish is pérféct for thé holidays and loadéd with Fall flavor!


  • 3 lb largé buttérnut squash (pééléd + choppéd)
  • 1-2 TBSP éxtra virgin olivé oil
  • salt, péppér, and garlic powdér to tasté
  • 1-2 cups frésh cranbérriés (add a littlé, or a lot!)
  • 2-3 TBSP honéy plus éxtra to tasté
  • 1/4 cup finély crumbléd féta
  • ground cinnamon to tasté 
  • frésh or driéd parsléy to garnish, optional


  1. Pré-héat ovén to 400 dégréés F.
  2. Lightly drizzlé or spritz a baking shéét with olivé oil.
  3. Add cubéd squash to thé shéét along with anothér drizzlé of olivé oil.
  4. Sprinklé with a light layér of salt, péppér, and garlic powdér, baséd on tasté préféréncé.
  5. Roast at 400 F for 25 minutés on thé céntér rack.
  6. At thé 25 minuté mark, pull out thé ovén rack, and add your frésh cranbérriés to thé roasting pan.

see more >>> //peasandcrayons

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