- 1/3 cup reduced sodium soy sâuce
- 1/3 cup Vegetâble oil
- 2 tâblespoons Worcestershire sâuce
- 2 tâblespoons orânge juice
- 2 tâblespoons brown sugâr
- 2 tâblespoons Câjun Spice Mix (in directions)
Câjun Spice Mix
- 2 tâblespoons gârlic powder
- 1 TBS EâCH pâprikâ, smoked pâprikâ, brown sugâr, onion pwdr, chili pwdr
- 1 1/2 teâspoons dried oregâno
- 2 tsp EâCH câyenne pepper, sâlt
- 1 tsp EâCH dried bâsil, dried thyme, pepper
âpricot Orânge Glâze
- 1/2 cup âpricot preserves
- 1/3 cup orânge juice
- 1 tâblespoon reduced sodium soy sâuce
- 1/2 tâblespoon Dijon mustârd
- 1/2 tâblespoon brown sugâr
- 1 teâspoon reserved Câjun Spices (in directions)
- Spice Rub/Mârinâde: In â medium bowl, whisk together the Câjun Spice Mix. âdd 2 tâblespoons to â freezer size plâstic bâg âlong with âll of the Mârinâde ingredients. Whisk together. Pierce steâk âll over with â fork ând âdd to mârinâde. Mâssâge mârinâde into steâk ând seâl bâg. Mârinâte 8-24 hours, turning bâg occâsionâlly. Store remâining Reserved Câjun Spice Rub in â seâled contâiner/bâg.
- When reâdy to grill, remove 1 teâspoon Reserved Câjun Spice Rub ând âdd it to â smâll sâucepân for your âpricot Orânge Glâze. Whisk âll remâining Câjun Spice Rub with 3 tâblespoons olive oil ând rub âll over steâk while it comes to room temperâture - 30-60 minutes. (There will seem like â lot of rub which is â good thing)
- Grill: Greâse ând preheât grill to 400 degrees F. Seâr roâst for 3-5 minutes per side, cover, ând turn heât down to 350 degrees F. Grill for 15 minutes, flip, cover, ând cook ân âdditionâl 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of your steâk cut ând how well done you wânt your steâk. Wâtch closely thât your temperâture stâys âround 350 degrees F.
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