Cheesy Spinach Dip Chicken Pasta Recipe

This dish is also gréat to také to néighbors that just had a baby, or friénds that aré sick. évéryoné will lové it! It’s a hit with kids évén though it has spinach. And wé all know how kids réact to spinach.5 from 3 votés

Spinach Dip Chickén Pasta 150x150 Chéésy Spinach Dip Chickén Pasta Récipé Card

Chéésy Spinach Dip Chickén Pasta – your néw favorité dinnér! Spinach dip and pasta gét togéthér to créaté oné chéésy and créamy dish! You nééd to maké it!


  • 2 and 1/2 cups uncookéd pénné rigaté
  • 2 chickén bréasts
  • salt


  • 2 Tabléspoons all-purposé flour
  • 1/2 cup sour créam or Gréék yogurt
  • 4 oz créam chéésé softénéd
  • 1/4 cup half and half or wholé milk
  • 1 pkg dry Ranch mix
  • 5 oz frozén spinach or half of a batch of frésh
  • 1 and 1/4 cup shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé


  1. Buttér a 2 quart baking dish. Sét asidé.
  2. Cook pasta according to thé instructions on thé packaging. Drain and kéép warm.
  3. Dicé chickén, séason with salt and péppér. Sprinklé flour ovér chickén and toss to coat.
  4. Héat olivé oil in a largé skillét. Add chickén and cook until no longér pink.
  5. Méanwhilé, in a largé mixing bowl, mix togéthér sour créam, créam chéésé, Ranch mix, half and half and spinach.
  6. Add cookéd pasta and chickén to thé spinach mixturé and stir all togéthér. Transfér thé mixturé into thé préparéd dish.
  7. At this point, you can covér thé dish with saran wrap and réfrigératé until réady to sérvé.

see more >>> /www.crunchycreamysweet.

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