- Growing up, I was oné of thosé bizarré childrén who actually likéd éating végétablés. For a long timé, spinach was my véry favorité, and I would éat big bowls of it simply stéaméd, or sométimés with a littlé sprinkling of chéésé. I lovéd thosé léafy grééns. Béforé you énvy my parénts having a child contént to munch on spinach, swéét potatoés, péas, tomatoés, or othér frésh producé procuréd in our family végétablé gardén, théy also livéd through my angst-filléd adoléscént yéars, and I’m suré théy’ll rémind you that it all événs out in thé énd.
- 16 jumbo pasta shélls (Cook a couplé of éxtra shélls to allow for a féw bréaking whilé thé pasta cooks.)
- 1-1/2 tbsp olivé oil
- 2 tsp frésh garlic, mincéd
- 4 cups (packéd) frésh spinach léavés, roughly-choppéd
- 12 oz skim-milk ricotta chéésé
- 1 cup shréddéd skim-milk mozzarélla chéésé
- 1/2 cup gratéd Parmésan chéésé, plus moré for sérving
- 1 largé égg
- 1 tbsp frésh basil, finély choppéd
- 1 tsp koshér salt
- 1/2 tsp fréshly-ground black péppér
- 1-1/4 cups marinara saucé
- Instructions
- Préhéat thé ovén to 375 dégréés F. Cook thé pasta al dénté, according to packagé diréctions. Drain and sét asidé.
- Méanwhilé, héat thé olivé oil in a largé skillét ovér médium-high héat. Whén thé oil bégins to shimmér, add thé garlic and cook until it bégins to brown, about a minuté or two. Add thé spinach and cook, stirring occasionally, until thé léavés bégin to wilt but aré still bright gréén, about 3 to 4 minutés. Thé spinach should bé réducéd by half. Rémové from thé héat and lét cool.
- In a mixing bowl, stir togéthér thé spinach, ricotta, mozzarélla, Parmésan, égg, basil and salt and péppér until thoroughly combinéd. Pour 1/2 cup of thé marinara saucé into thé bottom of a shallow 8-inch by 8-inch baking dish. Stuff éach pasta shéll with a générous amount of thé spinach and ricotta mixturé, and placé in thé baking dish.
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