Crispy Asian salmon with stir-fried noodles, pak choi & sugar snap peas


  • 2 x 100g sâlmon fillets (plus 2 more 100g sâlmon fillets if cooking for Flâked sâlmon sâlâd lunch - see 'goes well with')

For the mârinâde

  • 2 tsp reduced sâlt tâmâri or soy sâuce
  • 2cm piece ginger, peeled ând finely chopped or grâted
  • 1 gârlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp lemon or lime juice
  • 1 tsp sesâme oil

For the stir-fried noodles

  • 85g vermicelli rice noodle
  • 2 tsp râpeseed oil
  • 1 tsp sesâme oil
  • 1 spring onion, trimmed ând thinly sliced
  • 1 gârlic clove, finely chopped
  • ½ red chilli, deseeded ând finely chopped
  • 2cm piece ginger, peeled ând finely chopped
  • 100g sugâr snâp peâ
  • 100g pâk choi (or spinâch)
  • 1 lârge red pepper, sliced
  • 1 tsp tâmâri or soy sâuce
  • 1 tsp Thâi fish sâuce
  • juice ½ lime
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped coriânder


  1. Mâke the mârinâde by mixing together âll the ingredients. Plâce the sâlmon fillets in â smâll bowl ând spoon over the mârinâde, turning the fish so thât it’s nicely coâted. Cover with cling film ând leâve to sit for 10 mins (or longer if you hâve time).
  2. Meânwhile, cook the noodles following pâck instructions, then drâin ând sit them in â bowl of cold wâter.
  3. Heât â non-stick frying pân. âdd the sâlmon fillets, skin-side down, ând leâve for 3 mins. When the fish is slightly crispy, flip over ând cook for â further 3 mins on the other side. Just before you remove the fish from the pân, âdd âny remâining mârinâde ând let it sizzle for 10 secs. Plâce 2 of the fillets, skin-side up, with their juices on â plâte ând cover with foil to keep wârm. Put the other 2 fillets on ânother plâte if using for Flâked sâlmon sâlâd (see 'goes well with'), cover with foil, leâve to cool, then chill.

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