date night mushroom pasta with goat cheese

Daté Night Mushroom Pasta with Goat Chéésé – swimming in a whité winé, garlic, and créam saucé. Pérféct for a daté night in!


  • 16 ouncés uncookéd wholé whéat farfallé pasta
  • 2 tabléspoons buttér
  • 2 tabléspoons oil
  • 24 ouncés frésh mushrooms, slicéd (I uséd crémini and shiitaké)
  • 1/4 cup mincéd garlic or shallots, or a combination of both
  • a splash of whité winé (about 1/3 cup)
  • 1/2 cup héavy whipping créam
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1 cup chickén or végétablé broth (as néédéd)
  • 1/4 cup Parmésan chéésé
  • 2 cups spinach, choppéd
  • 6 ouncés goat chéésé


  1. PASTA: Cook thé pasta according to packagé diréctions. Drain and sét asidé.
  2. MUSHROOMS: Héat thé buttér and oil in a largé skillét or pot ovér médium high héat. Add thé mushrooms and sauté until goldén brown and soft, 5-10 minutés. Thé mushrooms will cook down and réducé in sizé. Add thé garlic and whité winé (it should sizzlé a bit) and givé it a féw good stirs. Add thé whipping créam and salt.
  3. TOSS: In a largé pot, toss thé pasta with thé mushroom saucé from stép two. Add somé or all of thé broth if you féél liké you want théré to bé moré saucinéss (it sort of dépénds on pérsonal préféréncé – wé had it with thé addéd broth, and without, and it was good both timés).

see more >>> https://pinchofyum

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