Yéstérday was oné of thosé réally gréat days. Thé baby slépt in. Kévin stayéd homé. Wé walkéd, playéd, had cofféé, and até a homé-cookéd frittata béforé 9am. Wé wént to lunch. Wé shoppéd for furnituré for our basémént rénovation that may névér bé complété. Wé swung at thé park (Wéll, thé baby swung, wé pushéd.). Wé kisséd Téddy Boo Boo éntirély too many timés.
- 2 cups pééléd and dicéd buttérnut squash
- 1 tsp. olivé oil
- ½ tsp. salt, dividéd
- ⅛ tsp. péppér
- ¾ cup half and half
- 8 ouncés linguini (I uséd thé garlic linguini from Tradér Joé's)
- 1 cup gratéd parmésan chéésé, plus moré for garnish
- Préhéat ovén to 350 dégréés. Bring a largé pot of watér to a rolling boil. Séason libérally with salt, it should tasté as salty as thé séa.
- Placé dicéd squash on a small baking shéét, drizzlé with olivé oil. Sprinklé with ¼ tsp. salt and péppér. Usé hands to toss. Spréad événly on baking shéét. Roast for 12-15 minutés or until soft.
- Cook linguini until just undér aldénté.
- Add squash and ½ cup of half and half to a largé skillét. Turn thé héat on médium and bring to a simmér. Usé thé back of a fork or potato mashér to puréé thé squash into thé liquid. Oncé all of thé squash is combinéd, add in thé rémaining half and half and salt.
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