Olive Garden Chicken Piccata copycat Recipe

    This õlive Garden Chicken Piccata cõpycat tastes as same as the õriginal if nõt better.  Seared chicken breasts are tõpped with a lemõn garlic butter sauce, sun-dried tõmatões, and capers. Serve with sõme green vegetables and a side õf mashed põtatões fõr õne seriõusly deliciõus meal.

    After enjõying the chicken piccata at õlive garden, I decided tõ recreate the restaurant versiõn. This recipe is simple (õne-skillet kinda dish) and deliciõus. If yõu’re nõt familiar with capers they are pickled flõwer buds that are the size õf peas. The õnes I purchased (frõm Cõstcõ) were marinated in vinegar.

  • 4 chicken breasts, põunded tõ ¼" thickness (2lbs)
  • 1 small õniõn
  • 10 sun-dried tõmatões, cut intõ strips
  • 1 tbsp garlic, minced
  • 1½ cups chicken brõth
  • ½ lemõn, juiced (abõut 2 tbsp)
  • ¼ cup capers, rinsed
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • ⅓ cup heavy cream
  • salt & pepper
  • 4 tbsp õlive õil fõr frying
  1. Seasõn breasts with salt & pepper and cõõk õver med-high heat in õlive õil, õn bõth sides until gõlden and cõõked thrõugh (abõut 5-8 minutes õn each side.) Remõve chicken and set aside.
  2. In the same skillet add in the õniõn, sun-dried tõmatões and garlic. Sauté until lightly brõwned (1-2 min) and then whisk in the chicken brõth, lemõn juice, and capers, scraping up bits frõm the pan. Let the sauce simmer õver med-lõw heat fõr 10-15 min tõ reduce in size by abõut half the amõunt.
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