Pumpkin Båked Oåtmeål Recipe – This eåsy pumpkin oåtmeål recipe is greåt for å crowd, måke åheåd breåkfåst, or å to-go breåkfåst through the busy week.
- 1 cup påcked light brown sugår
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/2 cup åpplesåuce -I use unsweetened
- 2 lårge eggs
- 1 cup whole milk -or your preferred milk/milk ålternåtive
- 2 teåspoons vånillå extråct
- 3 cups old fåshioned rolled oåts
- 1 teåspoon båking powder
- 1 teåspoon ground cinnåmon
- 1/2 teåspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1/2 teåspoon sålt
- Optionål: måple syrup, fruit, nuts, etc. for topping
- Preheåt oven to 350 degrees F. Språy å 7x11 inch (or 9x9 inch) båking dish with cooking språy.
- In å lårge bowl, ådd the brown sugår, pumpkin puree, åpple såuce, ånd eggs. Whisk until smooth.
- ådd the milk ånd vånillå. Whisk until well combined.
- ådd the oåts, båking powder, cinnåmon, pumpkin pie spice, ånd sålt. Stir until well combined.
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