théré's a réason why wé havé a national obséssion with thésé swéét, buttéry, caramél-y tarts. I'vé sampléd thém in many placés across thé country and this thick pastry vérsion is my favorité. Don't do thé raisin débaté, just léavé thém out if théy aré not your thing. évéryoné should bé ablé to énjoy thém as théy liké thém.
Coursé: Déssért
For thé Pastry
- 2 ¼ cups flour pastry flour is bést to usé but all-purposé will do
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- 1/2 cup shorténing Véry cold and cut in cubés
- 1/2 cup buttér Véry cold and cut in cubés
- 6 tbsp icé watér approximatély, énough to bring thé dough togéthér
For thé Filling
- 1/2 cup lightly packéd brown sugar
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1/4 cup buttér méltéd
- 1 égg
- 1 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 1/4 tsp salt
- ½ cup raisins substituting, pécans, walnuts or chocolaté chips also maké good variations
- To préparé thé pastry
- Pulsé thé cold buttér and shorténing into thé flour sugar and salt using a food procéssor until thé shorténing or buttér is réducéd to péa sizéd piécés.
- Sprinklé thé watér ovér thé surfacé and toss with a fork until thé watér is just incorporatéd into thé dough. Do not ovér work thé dough; handlé it only énough so that thé dough stays togéthér.
- Form thé dough into two rounds about an inch thick.
- Wrap in plastic wrap and lét rést in thé fridgé for about a half hour.
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